As you come down the hill on M-119 and past City Hall, park along the street among the stately homes and stroll into town. But don’t be surprised by what you find. There have been changes to the real estate in Harbor Springs!

The Lyric Theater looms stoically as you enter town. Open last year on July 27th, it’s gearing up to celebrate its first anniversary this summer. And while the façade speaks to a quiet renaissance, the inside is anything but stoic.

"People really enjoy our theater experience," says Scott Langton, Executive Director. "We have over 52 beverage selections, including new wines and beer, we have organic popcorn and use real butter, but best of all we have wonderful community volunteers."

Review the website often. Scott says they…

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For a soft spring morning on Burt Lake, one often finds time, no, makes time to enjoy the silence of the water while paddling a kayak, and there’s no place better than Maple Bay. Only a few hundred yards from the fine trimmed lawns and blossoming gardens, an Audubon delight awaits.

Today it was a pair of mergansers swimming around a lone mallard drake. Further down among the reeds, nesting swans sat cautiously as an eagle glided overhead. A glance down from the kayak into the crystal-clear waters found a painted turtle, hovering below, and looking up as if to say, “Good Morning!” We watched each other as blue jays and flickers cajoled above the treetops of the Burt Lake waterfront homes.

The breezes swished by painting whitecaps on the ripples, then…

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